Fuck yea, looks awesome, love the tiny details present in all of her gear. And the framed background, mwah! Chef's kiss!
Fuck yea, looks awesome, love the tiny details present in all of her gear. And the framed background, mwah! Chef's kiss!
Heck yea. Thanks! :D
Love the boiling bubbles effect. Did you do it with a brush or a texture overlay?
2 different kinds of airbrushes
The boy!
Love those sharp angles. Especially in 3D, it really gives the model a style all of its own.
Glad you like it!! sharp angles are the best
That is some downright swiggable rainbow.
... but goddamn, for some reason I keep seeing this guy as a ginger JonTron.
Ah... The infamous McJafari clan!
Fof. And very flowery. :>
Thanks! C:
But can you pet it AND high-five it.
I'll do you one better : you can play a very challenging Ping pong match
This is gawgeous! And next time I try designing a skelly helm, this lovely picture will definitely help as a source of inspiration!
No elongated nips? How can I be sure this is one of yours?!
i wish i could add comments to favourites
Aahh, the classic defrosting ice queen. I really need to play more Disgaea, 2 can't be my favorite forever... can it?
Also, bit out the blue Mogy, but how do you handle the smexy stuff on Patreon? Was under the impression that it wasn't allowed no more.
Ive had no problem sharing nsfw stuff there, so i havent been doing anything out of the norm in that regard
Tips for little scenery paintings?
Learn perspective and after that, stop using it, otherwise your landscapes become too geometric, unless that is what you want. Pick two points of focus in your landscape, one is enough, but two is more interesting, the first one should be stronger though. To learn how to do this, you must then learn composition, rule of thirds, the golden ratio. Then learn geometry and understand how different shapes lead the eye into different points in the canvas. Becoming more adept at learning where to detail and where not to detail helps too. Also learn value and color contrast and how you can use them to aid your composition. Real life reference also helps, so look up images online or better yet, in person.
White Devil guy & comic artist.
Joined on 6/17/14