Hot tit.
Hot tit.
One of my favorites, in a very chunky-plated style. Adore the heavier lineart, the little details for each segment, and the overall composition. Also the simple BG, because I am a lover of simple BGs and need to do more of them.
That's a zapper, innit.
Best part of this has got to be the transition between normal and electric parts. On their own, each element is already very good when it comes to balance and design, effects and volumes; but together, that's where the execution shines. :D
Buggy Witch Academia.
She's a cat. Zapping the toilet, she's a cat.
Love the pose and angular lineart.
Best of luck.
Hell yeah! Gangly bodies with odd proportions and freakish distorted faces, that's my JAM!!!
Love the sketchy linework and coloring, very efficient.
... M-mom?
White Devil guy & comic artist.
Joined on 6/17/14